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The following are links to documents relevant to this project including current planning efforts. As additional documents are prepared, they will be added to this page for review and feedback. Access the documents by clicking on any box. 

Existing Background Documents


Zoning Code - Reports and Drafts

Comprehensive Plan - Reports and Engagement Summaries

June 5, 2019 Public Open House (Comprehensive Plan)

Following multiple meetings with the public and steering committee that have taken place since January 2019, the City of Sharonville hosted an open house on June 5, 2019 to present some initial, conceptual recommendations for the plan to get additional feedback prior to the creation of the plan document. 


May 15, 2019 Public Meeting (Comprehensive Plan)

The City of Sharonville held a public workshop on May 15, 2019 to let citizens and stakeholders provide ideas for four special areas and issues that included connectivity (sidewalk and trails), downtown, the Lebanon Road Corridor, and the Sharon Road Gateway. This information will be used in the development of the plan and will also be the focus of the June 5, public open house where the major direction and recommendations of the plan will be presented for final comment prior to the development of the plan document.


April 18, 2019 - Sharonville Business Beers, Bits, and Big Ideas

The City of Sharonville hosted a business networking event on April 18, 2019 to interact with local businesses and find out what they thought were big ideas for the future of the City of Sharonville. Participants represented businesses from across the city and all types of businesses including retail, office, and industrial.


January 23, 2019 - Sharonville 2030 Kick-Off Public Meeting

The City of Sharonville held a public kick-off meeting on January 23, 2019 to let citizens and stakeholders know about the Sharonville 2030 project and engage the public in a way that helped identified initial issues and opportunities for the city and the future. We will be working closely with a steering committee over the next few months but will post information on upcoming meetings as soon as dates are determined. There will also be opportunities to take part in online surveys over the course of the project. Check back frequently.

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